Chemical Predictor Version 1.0 by Ivan Kassal Copyright (c) 1997 Ivan Kassal All rights reserved If you have any questions, coments or ideas that you would like to submit to the author please contact me via e-mail(they're more than welcome). I would also like to ask you to please write to me if you find this program useful. WARRANTY: This program and accompanying files are provided 'AS IS' without warranty of any kind; all warranties are expressely disclaimed. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the program is assumed by you. Author disclaims all liability for any damage or problems which might arise from the use of the information contained in this program or the program itself. Author permits unlimited distribution of this program as 'freeware' provided that all files are distributed unaltered, that credit is given to the author as well as that no fee is charged whatsoever (if you would like to do so please contact the author for permission!). By running the program you agree to the terms above.